The 21st century has brought about the kind of technological advancements that would quite frankly, scare our ancestors silly.
Modern tech has trickled its way down into most people’s lives, offering a plethora of day to day optimization tools & life hacks to help us out along the way as we try to squeeze every last drop of productivity out of every hour in the day.
And why wouldn’t we?
We live such fast lives now, without the use of our devices, apps & subscriptions it seems as though it would be almost impossible to keep tabs on the menagerie of chaos & wonder that we call life. Your Fitbit congratulates you, MyFitnessPal motivates you, Headspace keeps you feeling Zen, and you’d be almost entirely lost without the holy trinity of Google Calendar, Drive & Docs.
Monzo handles your savings for you, Trading212 makes investing a breeze, and Coinbase helps you navigate the ever-growing ocean of cryptocurrencies. Like no other generation in human history, we get to track our progress, macros & milestones on a daily basis.
It’s not just our portfolios and bank accounts that are benefitting from all of this, we’re living & feeling the returns on our health & happiness.
We’ve optimized the archaic habits, practices & rituals of old to help us get the most out of our own lives, and with great success. But for all the good technology brings to our lives, doesn’t it feel like something is missing?
We’re simultaneously the most connected to others we’ve ever been, but we’ve become disconnected from our local communities. Once upon a time, community spirit was king. Helping those in need amongst us, made us stronger, together.
People gave their time and in return their streets, blocks, towns & cities reaped the rewards. They created communities, and left legacies.
Think about charity for a moment. What comes to mind?
Is it the soup kitchen? Bagging up old clothes & hand-me-downs for collection drives? Volunteering at shelters? Donating cash?
No matter what came to mind for you just then, they’re all noble practices fully deserving of respect, but they’re firmly rooted in the ways of old.
In 2019, Americans gave $449B to charity, up nearly $20B from 2018. That’s an awful lot of cash, but is it having the impact that it could? It’s no secret that homelessness & poverty are on the rise in the US, the figures have been growing year on year since 2016.
Nevertheless, the proof is firmly in the fiscal pudding that the ‘Help Thy Neighbor’ spirit is still alive and well. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being donated, but the suffering continues for so many families. It’s clear to see that this isn’t an efficient or sustainable way to give. How much of that $449B improved the lives of the people you see struggling day to day?
When you sign up to a service, you expect that service to deliver on its promises, exchanging your cash in return for results. If you weren’t seeing those results, would you continue to pay?
I’d wager not.
Life in the digital age is complex. It’s difficult, it’s messy, and it’s short. Time is the most precious commodity above all else. Rise & grind culture has eaten up the time our grandparents spent nurturing & fostering communities, but leaving a legacy is still on the table for you.
Pocket-to-Pocket Giving is a modern take on an old problem. FinTech is providing the world with an efficient alternative to some of the bloated systems we’ve become accustomed to. By becoming an ESTHER account holder today, you’ll join the industrial revolution of charitable giving.
You’ll be paired up with a person or family in need; your donations will go directly to the recipients, making an immediate impact. A prepaid ESTHER card allows recipients to buy the items they need while high risk purchases like gambling, alcohol and cash withdrawals are switched off, keeping the entire process safe & secure.
You’ll be able to track the progress of your donations through monthly reports, giving you full peace of mind that your money isn’t lining the pockets of middlemen while so many continue to suffer.
“I feel like real people are investing in me, and it makes me want to invest in myself”
– K B
(Anonymised recipient)
We use technology to accomplish our personal goals & to improve areas within our own lives, but there’s so much more we can do with it. You can effect change in real time in your area, lift others up with you, and feel satisfied that you’re making a real difference.
We’re so used to investing in companies & crypto, it’s about time we started investing in families & futures.
Learn more about ESTHER here, and sign up to a stronger community here.